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PL*Amibial Olla aka Netty

Mother:  PL*Amibial Ulla

Father:   PL*Amibial Harry

Colour:  Black Classic Tabby (n 22)

DOB: 29/06/2019

Netty is spayed


SapphireCoons Amethyst

Mother:  MyCat Umbrella Song

Father:   Wildhost Uragan

Colour:  Black Silver Mackerel Tabby

DOB: 23/08/2021

HCM echo screening Normal

DNA negative for HCM, SMA, PKDef. FeLV & FIV negative.

Sapphirecoons Amethyst

TGC SapphireCoons Athena

Mother:  MyCat Umbrella Song

Father:   Wildhost Uragan

Colour:  Blue Silver Mackerel Tabby

DOB: 23/08/2021

HCM echo screening Normal

DNA negative for HCM, SMA, PKDef. FeLV & FIV negative.

TGC Sapphirecoons Athena
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